Convictions Mean Consequences.

Know Your Rights
Before You Plead Guilty.

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Convictions Mean Consequences.

Know Your Rights Before You Plead Guilty.

A Felony Sex Conviction Means Joining The Sexual Offender Registry

Sexually related offenses are viewed harshly in Florida. Individuals convicted of felony sex crimes must join the sexual offender registry, are restricted about where they can live and work and will receive a mandatory prison sentence.

Sexual offense charges can include prostitution, solicitation, sexual assault, lewd or lascivious behavior, sex with a minor, child pornography and other internet sex crimes. Along with having to possibly register as a sex offender, individuals accused of these crimes can be sentenced to serious prison time, anywhere from a few years to life in prison.

An Attorney Who Will Fight For Your Rights

If you are accused of a sexually related offense, you should consider reaching out to an experienced criminal defense lawyer right away. Talking to the police without an attorney present may come back to hurt you. At the Quesada Law Firm, we know how devastating these accusations can be and the seriousness of the consequences. Attorney Marco Quesada will work with you to understand all aspects of the case, formulate strategy and then decide how best to build your sex crimes defense.

Marco has successfully defended numerous Miami residents during his over 20 years as an attorney. He will fight hard for you and your rights.

Talk With Marco About Your Case Today

Call the Quesada Law Firm at 305-329-2929 or if you prefer, email us. Se Habla Español.

Attorney Quesada and the rest of our team are focused on putting you in the best possible position to receive the best possible outcome in your criminal defense matter.

Get Strong Representation Today

Quesada Law Firm
1200 Brickell Ave
Suite 1950
Miami, FL 33131

Phone: 305-329-2929
Fax: 305-397-1318