Convictions Mean Consequences.

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Before You Plead Guilty.

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Convictions Mean Consequences.

Know Your Rights Before You Plead Guilty.

In 2007, someone stole $1.2 million worth of Nikon camera equipment out of the back of a cargo vehicle in Spencer County, Kentucky. Over ten years later, authorities in Florida have turned over a man residing there for extradition after fingerprints taken at the scene allegedly matched his fingerprints in a nationwide...
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As we’ve seen in the news recently, many pollical officials have been charged and sent to jail for money laundering. But what exactly is money laundering? When laundering money, criminals are disguising money from an illegal source (like drug money) to make it seem like it came from a legal source (like...
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When a judge convicts you of a crime, that does not always mean that you are headed straight to jail or prison to serve your sentence. There are alternative sentences to incarceration, depending on your situation. Drug crimes are not uncommon, so do not fear that you are alone in...
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During 2018, Florida residents who met the qualifications were able to receive certifications to buy and use marijuana for medicinal purposes. The Tampa Bay Times indicates that a report issued by the Physician Certification Pattern Review Panel shows that 1,070 doctors statewide provided certifications to more than 136,000 patients between...
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